Tantric Massage
Tantric Massage New York
Benefit of Tantric Massage
Improvement of health and vitality, Treatment of common sexual dysfunctions of men and women, Alleviation of blocked (or stuck) emotions, Cultivation of contentment and joy, Ignition of a spiritual awakening and realization, Improvement of orgasmic and pleasure potential, Clearing the mind, Reduction of stress, Promotion of relaxation
What is a Tantric Massage?
It will leave you feeling happier and more confident in your everyday life, and encourage the healthy expression of your sexual self.
This combines breathing exercises and genital stimulation as well as full body massage into body to facilitate total mental and body relaxation and get you to a state of utter bliss. It will make you feel happier and more comfortable in your daily life, and will promote healthy sexual self expression.
How does 'Tantric' make it?
Tantra art is thousands of years old, a technique which allows two people to unlock and completely experience both of their bodies' dark, erotic strength. It literally means the expansion and spinning of energy, and focuses on meditation, yoga and relaxation exercises to use sexual energy to attain a higher consciousness. Tantric sex is about worshiping your partner as a goddess, and promotes reverent care of each other and their lovemaking.
The mind is at its quietest during orgasm-this is the aim of most meditation. Most people consider tantric sex to be a near-religious experience, mixing their spirituality with their body's energies and enabling them to be completely present in every moment it happens. You may have learned about tantric sex as a tool for acquiring staying strength. The reality is that the common lovemaking arising from tantric sex is merely a pleasant by-product of the main ritual.
If you can stay awake for more than 30 minutes, you'll start feeling this state of transcendence. This state is transient during ordinary sex, and only occurs during orgasm. This condition continues throughout, throughout tantric age. It's this condition which will cause and maintain a tantric massage.
Tantric massage incorporates tantra techniques and massage techniques to create an experience that is not about sexuality but aims at soothing and calming the mind and body while providing a sensual and thrilling experience very similar to tantra. This unlocks mental and sexual ability, and encourages trust and well-being. Although the massage is not about sexuality, it will help you harness your orgasm's immense strength and control it more precisely, enabling you to use that strength in every other aspect of your life.
Tantric sex is about helping your body relax to allow free flow of the sexual energies inside you. Part of the relaxation is due to breathing techniques – tantric massage uses body-to-body massage in conjunction with breathing techniques to completely calm the mind and body and allow the sexual energy to increase.
Health benefits and wellness
A tantric massage has tremendous health benefits – as well as all the comfort of a general massage, you'll even feel an improvement in your sexual confidence. Issues such as premature ejaculation can be greatly supported with this form of massage, and you will find that your faith and expertise will improve with frequent sessions. The breathing exercises you'll learn will help you control your orgasm much better and you can use them to improve your lovemaking sensuality and intensity.
Tantric massage is deeply relaxing, which can allow you to better understand yourself. It means you'll be better able to resolve problems of mental and self-esteem that are sometimes at the root of sexual dysfunctions. You'll also find that you sleep better and longer, helping the body recover itself long after the massage results. If you're having stress issues, you'll find that tantric massage can also help with those that make you feel much more comfortable and secure between sessions.
Why Tantric Massage Through Time
It took on new facets as tantric massage moved from East to West. This is primarily used in the East as a meditation technique, but for medical purposes we also use it in the West. These may include depression relief, help with anxiety or self-esteem problems, and even accept sexuality and enhance our sex lives. Men will benefit especially from learning how to accept their sexuality. Women can also reap great benefits from tantric massage, because they can relax and enjoy themselves without having to think about working.
Tantric Massage New York Male clients
Our male clients have the option of a lingam massage which involves massage from body to body involving phallus massage. Lingam is the penis Sanskrit term and means 'Water Staff.' The phallus is an significant, and often overlooked center of energy within the body. Your masseuse will help you leverage this wonderful well of resources inside yourself with a full body and lingam massage and teach you how to use it to become stronger and more relaxed in your day-to-day life, as well as boost your sexual wellbeing and prowess. It is also the essence of tantra: using your sexual energy to enhance certain aspects of your life, rather than just releasing it. You've stored a well of incredible strength inside you that most people will never reach, but a full body massage and lingam massage will help you get in touch with that. Most people find they are feeling an emotional rush when their masseuse releases the energy - just let yourself feel it along with everything else the comes when part of one of the erotic tantric massages of our ladies.